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Blog Finding Your "Why"

Finding Your "Why"


It’s a desire deep within us. A spark for our creative fire. Something that pushes us to places we never thought possible. That’s a 'why'...a purpose. And once you find your 'why', your life will change for the better.  

I'm a market research analyst turned personal trainer, copywriter, recruiter, obstacle racer, and a half iron man triathlete. In the past year, I’ve raced over 200 miles.

So why’d I do it?

Well, two years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She battled through it and is now cancer free. Her 'why' was her family and inspiring future generations as a teacher’s aide. And her positivity and tenacity inspired me. After she recovered, I decided to run the hardest races I could think of as a tribute to her battle and victory over cancer. Through this process, I learned more about myself and ultimately my 'why' evolved. My 'why' is to inspire others to achieve more through fitness; to help them forge not just strong bodies, but hearts and minds as well.

Now your journey may be very different than mine, but it requires you to get 'BAAC' to where you once belonged as I say. So what do I mean by that. Well:

1) BE YOUR OWN HERO. You have to BELIEVE in something greater than yourself and that you can influence this world for the better. You have to believe that greatness is not some elusive thing that only the special among us possess, but that it’s within all of us. Your 'why' needs to get you excited, needs to make you jump out of bed and have some real pull behind it.  

2) ACCEPT WHO YOU ARE. In order to get there, you need to accept who you are. I call this the "even if" principle. 'Even if' your parents weren’t your greatest supporters, even if you can’t bench press 225, and even if you’re not the employee of the month, you need to realize that this is your life and that this is your path. You might not have all the answers or skills just yet, but you know they will come, so don't beat yourself up about what you don't know or have. Be confident in your own abilities and boldly move forward to action.

3) ACTIONS. Bruce Lee once said, "Willing is not enough we must apply, knowing is not enough we must do." ACTIONS speak louder than words and until you act upon your dreams you cannot manifest your new life. People are afraid of failing in this stage and failing is a necessary part of the journey. Rather than worrying about failure though, focus on making progress over being perfect all the time. Acting on your dreams and your vision with teach you more than merely thinking or planning. And if you mess up, that's okay too. You can always course correct on your journey towards the right path for you. But you will never learn if you are constantly paralyzed by fear and unable to make decisions. Constantly refine your skill set and work on being better than you were yesterday. 

4) COMMIT. You have to realize this is a life-long journey. This will take time, so you have to stay committed to yourself and your vision. You may fall off for a week or so, but you’ll get back on that path to success because you’ll know why you do what you do. So invest in yourself. Make the journey easier by constantly learning and improving. Surround yourself with people who will take you to the next level, guard against negative thinking, go to seminars, read books on how to run your own business, just never stop learning. And when you get to that next level, it’s okay if your 'why' evolves and changes as you do. 

Just get BAAC to where you once belonged. So I entreat you, I implore you, and I challenge you, to set the foundation here today to discover your 'why.' To reject mediocrity and to begin to believe that greatness is not only possible for you, but necessary.

To Your Success,

Nate Brugnara

P.S. Embrace the unknown and discover the hidden parts of yourself with an Obstacle Course Race.

Take the first step in your journey towards self-discovery by finding out what type of racer you are with my simple quiz.

[QUIZ]: "Which Type of Obstacle Course Racer Are You?"

By knowing your racing type, you'll be able to create a training program that fits your unique style and have an even more enjoyable time on the course with your friends.

So why not take a chance, step outside your comfort zone, and see what amazing things await you on the obstacle course.


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